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14 января 2025
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Corporate values

Principles of business management

Presentation of "Chemical systems"

Feedback from our customers

Русская версия  English version

Group of companies "Chemical systems" is dynamically developing company, acting in accordance with the laws and universal human principles. This reputation is our invaluable achievement and determines the success of our future work. We all know: trust is very difficult to win and easy to lose. This is also true of the Company's reputation: it is formed over the years, and may be lost in an instant. Therefore, our primary goal is to maintain and strengthen a high level of confidence that we have already won. In addition, each employee of the Company shall be personally accountable for their decisions and actions. About us judged by our actions – our decisions and actions during work regulated not only legally but morally and based on universal human principles, such as openness, honesty, integrity and respect for people. Adherence to these principles and the principles of civilized business strengthens our reputation today and ensures sustainable development in the future. Our commitment to high ethical standards and corporate values helps to maintain and strengthen the confidence and enthusiasm in the collective, relationships with external partners, society and the state to fulfill its Mission.

Corporate values:

  • High level of professionalism and continuous improvement – mandatory conditions to attract and, more importantly – retain our customers. We strive to not only meet the needs of our customers in a particular product, but most importantly – an integrated customer solve a problem using our products if possible.
  • Initiative and enthusiasm – the values that help us to open new horizons, expanding business areas and improving the service, which in turn underscores our customer focus and improve competitiveness. Each our employee loves his job, puts the maximum knowledge and experience, generates and implements new ideas and projects.
  • Purposefulness and performance – fixed reference points for our activities for maximum efficiency, as evidenced by a History of our Company.
  • Honesty and responsibility – assurance of our high reputation. Taking on certain obligations, we make every effort to fully comply with them in a timely manner.
  • Trust and respect – the basis of mutual support and constructive interaction, both with our partners and collective within the Company.

Principles of business management:

  • Compliance with laws, rules and regulations. The Company strictly complies with the requirements of Russian and international laws, industry and corporate regulations, rules, standards and procedures.
  • Social responsibility. The Company cares about the ecology and protection of the environment, manages the health of their employees and safety, timely pay taxes, wages and other social benefits and creates employment, opening new vacancies.
  • Conscientious business management. The Company strives to achieve and maintain high quality of delivered products and rendered service, honestly and consistently implement the commitments, open and responsible exercise of corporate governance.
  • Maximizing the business profitability and sustainable development. Business profitability – the main indicator of its effectiveness and relevance to society. Profitability of the Company – is the primary duty to the founders, employees and partners. The Company uses all available legal and ethical methods to ensure profitability. Each employee makes the feasible contribution to the sustainable development of the Company.

All these principles are equally important for the Company. In its activities, the Company complies with all the principles of balance, without any order or preferences.

The Chief of International Corporation "Northern Telecom" David Weiss once said: "In the future there will be two types of companies - quick and the dead." The current reality is the future made real. GC "Chemical systems" – fully fast Company! And it's not just because of the impact of the surrounding reality, but also because the leadership and employees of the Company – is a positive-minded, energetic and enterprising people. The Company "Chemical systems" quickly and accurately respond to all sends of customers and partners, the signs of the upcoming market trends and industry as a whole, using a proactive approach to strategic management of the Company.

Presentation of "Chemical systems":

Presentation of
"Chemical systems"

Feedback from our customers:

Our regular customers have become more than 600 companies from various industries: coatings manufacturers, construction companies, enterprises of metallurgy, chemical production, transport companies, The Ministry of Emergency Situations, agricultural enterprises, etc. We do our best to solve individual problems of our customers by delivering products and providing the necessary associated services.

We invite you to cooperation!

Below, only a small part of feedback and letters of gratitude of our regular clients:

ООО «Neochem»

ZАО «Petrospirt»

ТОО «Alma Farmatek»

ООО МК «Vita-Pool»

ООО «Gidesis»

ООО «World of disinfection»

ООО «Polysept»

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